Medical Transcriptionist Training in Florida

When it’s time to choose a career, it makes sense to select one that is going to be inflorida demand for a long time. The health care industry is not slowing down as there is always a need for new professionals. Medical transcriptionists are one of the great contributors to this field, providing a valuable service that is continually needed. In exchange for that service, medical transcriptionists enjoy a career that is filled with a host of benefits that help create a better life.

General Job Overview

The Florida health care industry is extremely busy and its professionals are constantly on the move. To compensate for such a busy routine, health care professionals and physicians create an abundance of audio recordings while they work. The information on those recordings needs to be made readily available, which is where Florida medical transcriptionists take over.

Those audio recordings are transcribed into a document form by medical transcriptionists so that they reflect the dictation with 100% accuracy. The ability to complete that task involves, active listening skills, keyboarding skills, a command of medical terminology and a firm grasp of the proper methods of health care documentation.

Many of the audio recordings are dispersed to Florida medical transcriptionists with specific deadlines. Working quickly and efficiently is a prime characteristic of a medical transcriptionist in Florida. There is also an extreme attention to detail as documents are reviewed and edited for accuracy. Florida medical transcriptionists check each document for correct content, context and clarity. The end result is a professional document that can be used frequently by health care professionals.

There is a lot that goes into the job of a medical transcriptionist as there are a variety of skills being used at the same time. In the midst of that work, Florida medical transcriptionists have developed a reputation for being dependable, trustworthy, independent and accountable. As a result, health care facilities, hospitals, medical offices and other businesses continually utilize the services of Florida professional medical transcriptionists on a daily basis. The nature of the work also allows some medical transcriptionist to create their own hours or complete their work from home.

Medical Transcriptionist Licensing Requirements in Florida

The state of Florida has not established a licensing process for medical transcriptionists. There are also no other medical associations within the state that deems it necessary for Florida medical transcriptionists to hold a license. Employers will often request proof of a medical transcriptionist certification, although that is not the equivalent of a license. A couple of the benefits of not having to obtain a license is that there are no annual fees or renewal process.

Medical Transcription Training and Education Requirements

One of the prerequisites for medical transcriptionist education in Florida is a high school diploma or GED equivalency. There is no need to have accumulated any post-secondary school credits to be admitted. The minimum age to begin medical transcriptionist education in Florida is 18 and there is a required drug test and criminal background screening. Failing either of those tests will disqualify a candidate from pursuing a career as a medical transcriptionist.

Medical Transcription Certification Requirements in Florida

To become a certified medical transcriptionist in the state of Florida, there is a certain process to follow. Since the state does not issue official certifications, it is necessary to receive one from an accredited post-secondary school. The completion of a medical transcriptionist program at one of these accredited post-secondary schools concludes with the awarding of a certification. That certification is what is used to gain employment.

Florida health care facilities generally require job applicants to hold a medical transcriptionist certification to be considered for employment. These certifications can be obtained by a Florida technical institute or vocational school that is accredited. Many community colleges also feature medical transcriptionist certification programs which can be as short as nine months. An Associate’s Degree with a concentration in medical transcription can also be used as a certification.

Certifications have grown to become a staple for professional medical transcriptionists in Florida. Certifications provide proof that a medical transcriptionist is capable of handling all the duties that come with the job.

Job Prospects and Potential Pay

Florida medical transcriptionists average a yearly salary of $32,840. There is the potential to earn even more than that as top-end medical transcriptionists in Florida report making more than $46,000 per year. New medical transcriptionist jobs are opening up at a very high rate in Florida. In the next eight years, there is expected to be a 15% increase in statewide medical transcriptionist jobs.


Florida Health Organizations

This website provides an extensive list of all types of health organizations and facilities located throughout the state of Florida.

Medical Transcriptionist Jobs in Florida

This medical-oriented website updates the latest job listings for medical transcriptionists all over the state of Florida.

Florida Hospital System

Explore the variety of resources on this website, which include information on Florida hospitals, physicians and more.

Florida Medical Transcriptionist Jobs

Search through this website to find new job opportunities for medical transcriptionists in the state of Florida.

Florida Medical Association

Educational information, online resources and community health care events are just a few of the tidbits that can be found on the Florida Medical Association’s website.